
發表主題: (轉貼)對於「咒」這個字的解釋  
 主題發表人:123456(jim7722)   2007/04/24 14:02:32 
……通常將梵語 mantra(漫怛扌*羅)譯作咒。現存之梵文般若波羅蜜多心經,及梵文入楞伽經卷八陀羅尼品之中,皆有使用相當於漢譯咒字之 mantra 一字。西藏文孔雀咒王經之梵名為 Mahāmayūrī-vidyā-rājñī。善見律毘婆沙卷十一,將巴利語 vijjāmayā譯作咒。法華經卷七陀羅尼品等,將梵語 dhāraṇī(陀羅尼)譯作咒。由上記諸梵、巴語得知漢譯咒字有多種原語。又 dhārāṇī有總持之意,梵語 vidyā(巴vijjā)有明、術之意,mantra 亦譯作真言。各語其意雖有別,而長久以來多已混用。另有將諸語明顯區分者,如翻譯名義大集(梵 Mahāvyutpatti)密咒本續與外道書契中,述及密咒之名時,將 dhārāṇī譯作總持咒,vidyā譯作明咒,mantra 譯作密咒。(註[1])


l Mantra【摩威梵英,786】

1 m. (rarely n. ; ifc. f. ā) , ` instrument of thought ' , speech , sacred text or speech , a prayer or song of praise RV. AV. TS. ;

2 a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula , that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called ṛc or yajus or sāman (q.v.) as opp. to the Brāhmana and Upanishad portion (see IW. 5 &c.) Br. GṛŚrS. ;

3 a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. om śivāya namaḥ) RTL. 61 ;

4 a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified) , incantation , charm , spell (esp. in modern times employed by the Śāktas to acquire superhuman powers ; the primary Mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable RTL. 197-202) RV. (i , 147 , 4) ĀśvŚr. Mn. Kathās. Suṣr. ;

5 cousultation , resolution , counsel , advice , plan , design , secret RV. ;

6 N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ. ; of Śiva MBh. ; (in astrol.) the fifth mansion VarYogay.

l Dhāraṇī【摩威梵英,515】

1 f. any tubular vessel of the body L. ;

2 the earth Gal. ;

3 a partic. bulbous plant ib. ;

4 a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain &c. MWB. 154 ; 351. (4 kinds of Dhāraṇī according to Dharmas. lii) ;

5 row or line (w.r. for dhoraṇī) L. ;

6 N. of a daughter of Sva-dhā VP.

l Vidyā【摩威梵英,964】

1 f. knowledge (cf. kāla-jāta-v-) , science , learning , scholarship , philosophy RV. (according to some there are four Vidyās or sciences , 1. trayī , the triple Veda ; 2. Anvīkśikī , logic and metaphysics ; 3. daṇḍa-nīti , the science of government ; 4. vārttā , practical arts , such as agriculture , commerce , medicine ; and Manu vii , 43 adds a fifth , viz. Atma-vidyā, knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth ;

2 according to others , Vidyā has fourteen divisions , viz. the four Vedas , the six Vedāṇgas , the Purāṇas , the Mīmāṇsā. Nyāya , and Dharma or law [964,1] ; or with the four Upa-vedas , eighteen divisions ; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= kalās} or arts] ;

3 Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durgā ; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas) ; any knowledge whether true or false (with Pāṣupatas) Sarvad. ; a spell , incantation MBh. Ragh. Katha1s. ;

4 magical skill MW. ; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W. ; Premna Spinosa L. ; a mystical N. of the letter ī Up. ;

5 a small bell L. (cf. vidyāmaṇi). 1.

所以無論是從佛光大詞典所揭示的問題,或是從上面就Monier William 的梵英辭典來看,這三個字事實上都有很大的不同意義。如果就「咒」這個字來做個共同的標準來看:

1. Mantra是指「祈禱者的讚歌」(a prayer or song of praise RV,筆者按:這是《黎俱吠陀》,也是印度最古老文獻的定義)。也可以用第四個意義,即「神秘的詩歌,或是神奇模式,方法(有時候是個人化的),咒語,迷惑(護身符),召請,藉由神秘儀式獲得神奇力量」(a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified) , incantation , charm , spell (esp. in modern times employed by the Śāktas to acquire superhuman powers )這個字就應該是中文「咒語」的本義。

2. Dhāraṇī可以看出,原來是指身體「管狀的容器」,這裡也有關於「咒語」部分,就是第四個「一種神祕的詩歌或者咒語,是祈禱者用來減輕痛苦之用的」(a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain)。和中文的「神奇章句」比較接近。

3. 而 Vidyā則屬於「咒語」的意思,應該就是「神奇的技巧,或是一種神奇的丸子可以服用讓你生天之用」(magical skill MW. ; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W. ) 這種應該是和現在密宗用的經過喇嘛加持過的「摩尼丸」類似。比較類似加持聖物服用的藥品(法藥)。






註[1] 請見《佛光大辭典》,台北縣:佛光文化事業有限公司1997年5月出版。頁3114。
註[2] 請見《大正新修大藏經》第一冊,台北市:新文豐圖書出版有限公司1983年出版。頁724。



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