發表主題: ( 轉貼)"空",等不等於"無我"?  
 主題發表人:123456(jim7722)   2007/04/24 13:42:33 
首先,空,這個字根據佛光大辭典頁3466,查出對應梵文是Sunya,M. W. 梵英辭典是在頁1085:

1.mf(A) n. empty , void , hollow , barren , desolate , deserted Br.(梵書) ;

2.empty i.e. vacant (as a look or stare) , absent , absentminded , having no certain object or aim , distracted MBh. (佛教);

3.empty i.e. possessing nothing , wholly destitute MBh.

3. wholly alone or solitary , having no friends or companions BhP. ;

4. void of , free from , destitute of (instr. or comp.) , wanting , lacking (史詩).

5. non-existent , absent , missing Ka1v. Pan5cat. ; vain , idle , unreal , nonsensical ; void of results , ineffectual ;

6. free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin) , insensible Bhpr. ;

7.bare , naked MW. ;

8.guileless , innocent ib. ; indifferent ib. ;

9. f. a hollow reed L. ; a barren woman L. ;

10.; n. a void , vacuum , empty or deserted place , desert MBh. ; (in phil.)vacuity , nonentity , absolute non-existence (esp. with Buddhists) ; N. of Brahma MW. ; (in arithm.) nought , a cypher ; space , heaven , atmosphere ; a partic. phenomenon in the sky. ; an earring (see next).


而"無我"呢?佛光大辭典,頁3467查出,對應梵文是: anatman,M. W. 梵英辭典是在頁27說明:

1.m. not self , another ; something different from spirit or soul ;

2. (an-Atman) mfn. not spiritual , corporeal , destitute of spirit or mind S3Br.




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